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Italian Desk

>> Per la versione italiana clicca qui


When setting up and implementing business activities in Germany or Italy, e.g. tapping into the Italian or German market, companies are regularly confronted with the special legal features of the respective country and the associated issues.


But there are also many details to consider in German-Italian inheritance law. For example, since the new European Succession Regulation (EuErbVO) came into force, the last habitual residence of the deceased is decisive for the question of the applicable law. This means that Italian law may also be unintentionally applicable in inheritance cases with a connection to Italy, whereby inheritance cases with points of contact to both German and Italian law often become very complex.


With our Italian Desk, we advise both Italian clients and clients from the DACH region in all areas of international commercial law.


With Professor Rainer Hausmann, the former holder of the Chair of Civil Law, Private International Law, International Procedural Law, Comparative Law and European Private Law at the University of Constance, the Italian Desk has a proven expert in the field of German-Italian law. Professor Hausmann is the author and editor of numerous commentaries and specialist books on European private and procedural law and was a long-standing board member of the Association for the Exchange of Ideas between German and Italian Lawyers.


The advisors in our team speak fluent Italian and are familiar not only with the relevant legal systems but also with the business practices and differences in mentality between the two countries. They are your central point of contact and call in other specialists as required.


  • Choosing the right legal form, founding companies and other legal advice in connection with market entry planning
  • General commercial and corporate law advice (e.g. in the case of group-internal reorganisations)
  • (cross-border) mergers & acquisitions, private equity and venture capital (e.g. acquisition of shares in companies in Italy or Germany)
  • Drafting and negotiating distribution, commercial agency and agency agreements
  • Protection of intellectual property, such as patents, trademarks and designs
  • Other general support for ongoing business activities
  • Receivables management
  • Litigation and legal advice in court proceedings
  • Financial and payroll accounting, preparation of annual financial statements and tax returns

International exchange


Another particular strength of our Italian Desk is the long-standing cooperation with our Italian partners, including the law firm Studio Legale Giammarco Russolo Tomezzoli in Trento and the law firm LT Legal in Bolzano and Verona. This means that we can also offer bilingual advice from Italian lawyers.



Studio Legale Giammarco Russolo Tomezzoli
Viale della Costituzione 33
38122 Trento, Italy

Telephone: +39 0461 021021
Email:  studio@grt.legal





LT Legal
Grieser Platz 11/c
39100 Bolzano, Italy

Telephone: +39 0471 400006
Email:    trojer@ltlegal.it